tumblr is so much fun. the blogging and the updates everytime and the race for that envied tumblarity (well, in my case). i started my tumblr account (again) because my short term amnesia took place. i was like, what was my password again, and oh shoot - there i go again! (i think i need a neurobooster!) enough said, my tumblarity is now soaring at 79.

im not bragging about it! its, somehow, telling everyone of my fast recovery (of my tumblr points). here are my stats.

i hope that i rocket up after a day or so!
It is a liquid of a deep reddishbrown colour, Moncler Giacche and disagreeable suffocating odour. It is highly poisonous. Bromine was discovered by M. Balard of Montpellicr in 1826. The alcoholic solution of bromine, and the bromide of sodium are employed in medicine. Moncler abbigliamento (Brande's Chemistry.) BRONZE, an alloy consisting of from 8 to 12 parts of tin, with 100 of copper. It is sometimes called gun-metal; and is used for casting statues, Moncler presa cannons, and other purposes. BROOM, a small, hardy, evergreen tree (Spartium scoparium). common in this country. The wood is used for pins, pulleys, and snuff-boxes; Moncler cappotti when of sufficient size it is also applicable to the same purposes as laburnum, which, except in colour, it closely resembles. The branches are used for thatching.