i do remember that it was like last last year when i talked about wearing those glads to my dear friend, ayn. and here comes year 2008. yes! ist absolutely a must-have now. now that kate mosss has already worn hers. well, sad though i dont have a pair. the sartorialist, previously showed the world how the glads were worn
properly. 2008 spring introduced the gladiators to the world when marc jacobs wore his glads in one of his runway shows wearing a skirt. its definitely a must have if you wear a skirt. i think that gladiators are second to the best shoe this year.
having the high-heel laced-ups and loafers number one. they tied to the top spot. no violent reactions! was planning to have my own
custom-made pair but requires big bucks. yes! plenty of those greens. after a long march in the new york, paris and stockholm fashion shows, it came to stop in the philippine market. lol. haha!

the moral of the story: i was the first one to mention the use of gladiators.
aside from the glads, there was also a boom of the faux rayban wayfarers. yes! fakes! its pretty cheap though, less than 5 bucks and to think that it is sold for 500 bucks!
the original. lohan and mc wore these. so as km! they're so lovely!

my friend, lindsay

my aunt, kate!
thanks fashionising
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